Navigating Instagram


Scrolling through your feed on Instagram it can get a little overwhelming. There is SO much information, where to start? What to believe? I think it is super important to be aware and cautious so I decided to come up with a list of a few of the things that have been on my mind lately. With many New Years resolutions and goals bringing people to the world of healthy eating and fitness these are some tips that I always try to keep in mind!

1.) Instagram doesn’t equal reality:  Log in and your instantly overwhelmed with so much gorgeous food, perfect workouts with the perfect scenery, etc. It is really important to remember that there is a reason these pictures got posted in the first place. People spent ALOT of time preparing the most perfect looking dish or getting the perfect selfie but everyones everyday life does typically not look like that. It is simply the highlights of someones life and often doesn’t reflect the rest.

2.) There is a lot of financial incentive for people on insta: Keep seeing the same skinny tea, pre-workout, or supplement? Many people are paid to promote brands and products on their profile for compensation. While I do not frown upon this, be aware and evaluate for yourself if that product is truly worth buying. Watch out for ridiculous claims and crediting a single product for a transformation that seems drastic. While a lot of individuals are promoting a product they actually use and love, many are just trying to make a quick buck. Be aware! I receive no compensation for anything I post but I do receive some free products. If I do not like the product/ wouldn’t buy it myself I would NOT share it or post about it.

3.) Speaking of supplements….: As a pharmacy student I am EXTREMELY critical of any supplements. Often times people over supplement their diet with things that have little evidence. I am all for doing things the “natural” way. Food can be medicine if you do your research and incorporate variety in your diet! Before taking a supplement do your own research! Look for evidence other than personal testimonies. Do the claims they are making even make sense? Who supports these claims? People buy into these claims and waste ALOT of money on these useless products. Become an informed consumer! Same goes for taking extra vitamins and minerals. People are often just making “expensive pee” by over supplementing water soluble vitamins they are consuming enough of in their diet. If you are noticing fatigue or other concerning symptoms consider getting blood work to properly supplement your diet and find what you are truly lacking.

4.) Don’t allow Instagram to define healthy for you: I will be the first person to admit that my relationship with food and exercise is not entirely healthy. The Instagram community provides awesome support but its important to be aware that a lot of individuals with health accounts have their own struggles. I scrolled my own feed the other day and saw posts years ago where I shared workouts that were terribly long and excessive. Do not compare yourself or assume that what others are doing is “right”. Although I have made improvements, I still struggle with over exercise and would not want others to try and aspire to the same schedule that I have.

5.)  Choose wisely when buying plans/advice/meal plans: Look for certifications!! Is this person a certified personal trainer, registered dietician, etc?? This is truly important when people are charging for advice and plans. Anyone can speak from experience but when giving it to others its important that they have a true understanding to back up their advice. I love sharing workouts and food advice but I am not certified therefore I would NEVER charge for anything I provide. I think if someone chooses to make income this way they owe their clients the time and effort to earn these credentials.

Anyone else have experience or opinions on any of the above? I would love to hear!!

20 minute quicke


We all have those days where we don’t have enough time to get through 45 minutes or more of a workout. I always remind myself that something is better than nothing, and often you can get the job done within 20 minutes!

Circuit One: Set your timer to a 10 minute count down and repeat the following moves till the timer buzzes!

  1. Deep squat and press with medicine ball (20)
  2. Jump, jump squat with 90 degree turn (15)
  3. Prisoner squat with plyo jack (10)
  4. 4 lunge jumps, drop down into 4 pushups (X4)

Circuit Two: You know the drill…10 minutes as many sets as you can!

  1. Row with weights in plank (one on each side) followed by one frogger jump (in plank jump your feet up toward your hands and back into plank) (x6 sets)
  2. Plie squat into upright row (15)
  3. Speed skater jump (20)
  4. Burpee with shoulder press (10)


Variety is the Spice of Life


Lately when I scroll through insta I see a lot of comments that upset me. Wether is IIFYM, raw vegan, plant based, etc. someone always has something negative to say about the way someone chooses to eat. Everyone seems to think their diet is superior and the only option for optimal health. I just want to throw it out there that healthy for one person is likely not to mean the same thing for anyone else. We all eat based on our goals, knowledge, research, experience etc. and thats what makes it fun! This is the way I like to look at it; finding your groove with a diet and lifestyle is like dating. You try a bunch of different things, may change your mind, develop priorities, and sometimes have to learn the hard way. When you finally find that person that clicks its something individual and personal, no one else will have the same relationship you do and find value and connection to the same person. Same goes for a diet, we all need to experiment to find what works for us, what feels good, and what gets us to our goals. This is why I refuse to ever preach my thoughts to anyone else or judge anyone who feels differently. I see people post meat or fish and someone following a vegan diet acts like they just personally wronged them..why does it matter if someone has the same diet views as you? You do you! If you are bothered by what someone eats move on , its no opportunity for negativity.

So, as I mentioned I have been including meat back into my diet. I felt low in iron again and sure I can take a supplement, but one thing thats important to ME is not relying on supplementation if I can avoid it. I have increased my protein and feel more satisfied and energetic. Doesn’t mean that anyone who eats vegan/plant based should change because its different for EVERYONE. I feel better, the next person may feel better sticking to a meat free diet. I still appreciate and love the plant based lifestyle and eat most my meals on that basis but don’t feel the need to live up to some label or standard. Im not a vegan, vegetarian, iifym gal…and thats perfectly fine!

I would love to hear your thoughts! Is there such thing as a perfect diet?

Because I Love you Guys


3 weeks of workouts+meal plan+shopping list

thanks for all your support, your all amazing!

If you use any workouts or meals hashtag #srchallenge so I can see them! Message me if you need any move explanations!

Grocery List:

Note- not all items are needed within each category. While looking at the meal ideas consider which options you would enjoy and shop accordingly. For example, you don’t need to buy apples, bananas, and pears! Bolded are items that come up in many meals and are key unless you dislike them.




-Strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries









-Spinach or lettuce spring mix




-Sweet potatoes

-Brussel sprouts


-Winter squash (acorn, buttercup, kabocha)

-Baby carrots


-Ezekiel English Muffins

-Whole wheat wraps (I buy Flatout brand)


-Brown Rice


-Multigrain Bread

-Whole grain pasta


-Multigrain Pita Chips


Use is not needed. Artificial sweeteners like Sweet n Low, Splenda, etc. should be eliminated.





-Unsweetened Almond Milk

-Lowfat cottage cheese

-Greek yogurt or Siggis/Elli Quark

-Low fat cheese (or Go Veggie Brand vegan cheese preferred)


-Almonds, Cashews, Walnuts, or Pecans


-Cereal-(Puffins, Love Grown Brands-shoot for wholegrain and low sugar)

-Granola (Purely Elizabeth’s is my favorite)

-Almond/Peanut butter (shoot for natural with low sugar)


-Protein Snack Bars (Go Macro, Rx Bar, Luna Bar, Larabar, Square Bar, Nugo Bar). Avoid artificially sweetened bars such as Quest and Pure Protein (they cause bloating and tummy issues).

-Treat Snack: something sweet of your choice- dark chocolate squares, Bark Thins, Justin’s Peanut Butter Cups

-Earth Balance Vegan Butter

-Olive Oil

-Cooking spray

Protein for Vegetarians:

-Eggs/Egg Whites

-Veggie Burgers

-Meatless Chicken Strips



-Black beans

Protein for Non-Vegetarians:

-Eggs/Egg Whites


-Turkey (low sodium)



-Black beans


Any seasonings can be used in preparing foods but avoid too much sodium. Mrs. Dash has a great line of low sodium ones to use for veggies or protein. Food can be cooked in cooking spray and a little olive oil or vegan butter can be used for flavoring if desired.

-Mrs. Dash Seasonings

-Fresh salsa

-No Sugar Added Ketchup

-Salad dressing- add for less than 100 calories per serving and low fat

Low sodium marinara


-Coconut water

-Fresh lemon to add to water

-Green tea

Meal Plan:

More specific options are given for breakfast, snacks, and desserts. For lunch and dinner there is a template and some suggestions and examples. This is designed to give flexibility and allow for eating on the go or out. This plan should NOT limit you and should be easily worked into any lifestyle! If you have any problem thinking of ideas my Instagram is full of meals that follow this template and you can always message me! A glass of water should be drank with every meal and I highly suggest bringing a bottle of water along with you everywhere!


-2 slices multigrain toast with 1/3-1/2 mashed avocado spread on top. Side of greek yogurt or scrambled egg whites

-Green smoothie: 1 frozen banana with spinach, unsweetened almond milk, 1 tbsp peanut butter or 2 tbsp peanut butter powder, 1 scoop protein powder, ice to consistency (frozen fruit such as berries, pineapple, guava, or mango also are great additions)

-Breakfast sandwich: ezekiel english muffin with one egg, three egg whites, slice of cheese ( I like go veggie dairy free), sliced avocado. Side of berries, half an orange, half a grapefruit, or half a banana.

-Greek yogurt bowl: 1 cup plain greek yogurt with stevia or a cup of Siggis yogurt topped with 1/4 cup granola, a sliced banana or apple. (additional: one tablespoon melted pb or almond butter drizzled on top).

-1/2 cup steel cut (or quick) oats topped with berries and a banana (additional: 1/2-1 tbsp of nut butter).

-Paleo start: 2 eggs sunny side up with half a grape fruit and 1/2 an avocado

-On the go: protein bar (square bars, luna bar, larabar) with a greek yogurt or apple/banana

-Protein cereal: one serving cereal or granola in 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk with 1/2 scoop protein powder and a sliced banana (strawberries also make a great addition).

Morning Snack (around 100 calories):





-Greek/Siggis yogurt

-Low fat cheese stick with multi grain pita chips or crackers

-Carrots with 2 tbsp. of hummus

-Two dates stuffed with half a tablespoon of almond butter

Lunch: One serving of protein with one complex carb and side of salad or veggies.

-Flatout wrap (or ezekiel english muffin) filled with protein (turkey, tofu, veggie burger, grilled chicken) with veggies of choice, a slice of cheese (or go veggie vegan cheese), and a tablespoon of smashed avocado or hummus.

-Spinach salad topped with protein of choice, sliced walnuts, dried cranberries, 1 tbsp of crumbled goat cheese, with one tablespoon of dressing (balsamic vinaigrette, light poppyseed) with 7 multigrain pita chips on the side.

-Brown rice bowl: 1/2 cup brown rice topped with protein of choice, 1/4 cup black beans, 1/4 fresh avocado, a dash of lime, and fresh salsa

-Zucchini Noodles-Put one whole zucchini through a spiralizer and cook in pan till crispy (can also add spinach) and top with 1/2 cup low sodium marinara, 1 serving protein (chicken breast or chicken free strips)

Afternoon Snack:

-Protein/snack bar: Lunar bar, Square Bar, RX Bar, Nugo Bar.

Can choose any bar around 150-200 calories. Avoid any highly artificial bars (Quest, Pure Protein, or anything containing artificial sweeteners)

Dinner: 1.5 servings of protein, serving of complex carbs (choose any off grocery list under carbs), and a fat. Side of veggies and salad if desired.

-Shoelessrunner Go to: 1 roasted sweet potato with a melted slice of Go Veggie Cheese, spinach salad, veggie (asparagus, broccoli, zucchini), and protein (2 servings of tofu/tempeh).

Dessert: Around 150-200 calories

-Greek yogurt with fresh berries and a drizzle of honey

-Justin’s peanut butter cups

-Banana with a square of dark chocolate or a tablespoon of nut butter

-Banana ice cream-blend 1-2 frozen bananas till thick

-Apple microwaved till warm sprinkled with cinnamon

-1/3 cup oatmeal with a tablespoon of dark chocolate chips melted in

-Protein shake with 1 scoop of powder and unsweetened almond milk

Is anything “off limits”?

The point of this plan is to make it all part of your lifestyle and something you can stick to. Detoxes, restriction, and radical plans work for a few weeks and leave your metabolism damaged and only bring temporary progress. If your family cooks healthy meals you should defiantly have what they are making and just be aware of the portion sizes as given above. Each week you get 500 flex calories in which you can use on ANYTHING. You can use them up all at once (for example going out for a night at the bars), or disperse them throughout the week. I strongly encourage you to enjoy something you’re craving each week!

Artificial sweeteners and diet products are not encouraged by the plan. Although a multigrain slice of bread has more calories than a 35 calorie slice of light bread, you are getting so much more for your calories and it helps satiate you!

Coffee is completely acceptable on the plan, but lots of creamer or sweeteners should be avoided. Alcohol should be avoided unless you use your flex calories on it.

SR Challenge Week 1:


Ladder Workout- Start with move 1 and each round add one move. You do the number of repetitions of each move that it is numbered.

Warm up with 10 minutes of light running, incline walking, or elliptical.

1-Burpee with tuck jump


3-Curtsy lunge holding kettle bell or medicine ball (per side)

4-Plyo jump forward and backward

5-Up and downs (jump down into burpee going all the way down like a pushup down to your stomach and jump back up)

6-Shoulder tap, jumping jack in plank position (one tap on each side and 2 plank jacks is one rep)

7-Dumbbell row with jump (in plank with 5 pound weights do a row on each side and then jump your feet towards your hands and back into a plank position, repeat row)

8-180 degree burpee-burpee jump squat to opposite side and continue to go clockwise

9-Squat overhead press with medicine ball

10-Medicine ball throw with jump (in squat position squat down throwing ball to ground, when bouncing back up propel into a jump returning back into squat position)

11-Plie squat upright row

12-Spiderman pushup (pushup brining the knee to the elbow)


Endurance Cardio-45 minutes of moderate pace on cardio equipment of choice. For runners doing the plan this will be your long run day (possibly longer than 45 minutes depending on what distance running your training for).


Rest Day


Hill HIIT: Can be done outside or on treadmill walking or running. If looking for a lower impact option you can do an elliptical using resistance as the “hill”.

Minutes 0-5: Warm up at 1% incline at easy pace.

5-7: Easy hill (around 4-5% incline).

7-9: Flat (1% incline)

9-11: Easy hill with pace pick up (increase pace around .3-.5 mph at a 4-5% incline).

11-14: Recover on flat (1% incline)

14-16: Moderate hill (6-7% incline)

16-20: Moderate pace on flat (1% incline)

20-25: Start at 1% incline and increase by 1% incline every 45 seconds till on a step hill.

25-30: Cool down on flat (1% incline).

Depending on your level, if you want more of a challenge repeat the moderate hills with less rest in between. If you are walking rather than running and are not challenged by the incline, increase till you are challenged on the incline intervals.


Warm up with 10 minutes of light running, incline walking, or elliptical.

Arms and Shoulders: 40 seconds per move, 5-10 seconds rest. Repeat once

-Deep jump squat holding light dumbbells straight above head

-Inch worms-stand then start going into a full plank by walking hands out in front of you. Once in plank do one pushup and walk back into standing position.

-Reverse lunge with knee up, pressing medicine ball/ kettle bell above head

-Pencil squat (Squat deep touching hands to the ground, jump up with legs together and hands above head)

-Dumbbell rows (right side first round, left side second)

-Side lunge into bicep curl with knee raise

-Plank jacks (go into plank position and jump legs out like a jumping jack out to the side)

-Squat with overhead press

-Burpee commando (jump down into burpee and do two commandos before jumping back up)

-Chest press (10) roll over into mountain climbers (10)


Rest Day


Sprints and Legs

Treadmill Spring Portion:

Warm up-5 minutes

HIIT: For 10 minutes alternate a sprint for 1 minute and a recovery pace for one minute. The spring segments should feel very difficult.

Cool down-5 minutes


Do each section twice through


Jump jump squat (15)

Squat overhead press (15)

Bulgarian lunge holding dumbbells (10 per side)

Speed skaters (20)


Curtsy lunge holding kettle bell or medicine ball (10 per side)

Roundhouse kick into squat (10 per side)

Jump lunges (10 per side)

Plie Squat with weight (20)


Lunge with shoulder press (10 per side)

In and out low squat jump holding medicine ball (10)

Donkey kicks (10 per side)

Knee down jacks (knee down onto the ground/mat one knee at a time, then step back up one foot at a time into a squat jack, repeat)

SR Challenge Week 2:

Friday: Chorus Hills (45 minutes)

Warm up for 10 minutes

10-35: For the next 25 minutes pick a series of songs (between 5-7). For each song on the chorus you will run on a hill (start gradual for the first couple of songs and get steeper for the last couple). For example, for the first two songs 4% incline, next 2 6%, and the final 2 7-8% incline).

35-45: Cool down

Saturday: Shoulders and Arms

Warm up for 15 minutes with cardio of choice. Complete each circuit twice. Feel free to modify number of reps!


Side to side hops over step (20): In plank with hands on a step jump your legs over to each side.

Plank punches (20): In plank punch each arm forward one at a time.

Candlestick burpee (10): Roll back as shown in below picture, rolling up jumping back into plank.

Kettlebell swing (can do a squat overhead press if don’t have kettlebell) (20)

Snap jumps in plank (20)

Commando (10)


Renegade row with frog jump in plank (20): do one upright row with each arm in plank with dumbbells. Once completing one with each arm jump both legs up toward your hands and back.

Walking plank (20): In a plank walk both legs to the right, the middle, then the left. Each set is 10 in each direction.

Kettlebell upright row into burpee (10) (If no kettlebell, do upright row with dumbbells)

Side to side squat with lateral raise (10 to each side)

Sumo squat up into straight jump (20)


Tricep extensions with dumbbell in plank (20)

Lateral jump over step into burpee (10 total, 5 on each side of step)

Tricep dips (20) into mountain climbers (10)

Squat into overhead press with dumbbells or medicine ball (20)


Jumping jack, plank jack (10)

Knee pulls in plank position (10 per side)

Sumo squat into upright row (20)

Laydown pushup (10): go down into pushup all the way to the ground, extending arms forward into superman position, back into a pushup.

Side to side squat touch with medicine ball (10): squat bringing medicine ball down towards your right foot, then making a circular motion bring ball above head sweeping down to the left foot.


Rest Day or Yoga


Steady state cardio (45-60 minutes)

Runners: this can be a long run day!

Tuesday: Whole Body Workout

5 minutes per set, 2x through


Burpee into laydown pushup (10)

Squat with shoulder press (20)

X jump (10): Squat jump, right lunge jump, squat jump, left lunge jump.

Reverse lunge knee lift holding weights (10 per side)

Full sit up (15): lay all the way down on back with legs straight. Sit up bringing fingers toward toes.


Plyo jumping jack (20)

Crab walk holding medicine ball (10 per side)

Sumo jump squat (10)

Curtsy lunge with side twist holding medicine ball (10 per side)

Bicycle crunch (25 per side)


Tuck jump (15)

Burpee down into commando, burpee down into spiderman knee pull (5 of each type)

Plie squat with upright row (25)

Russian twist (25) into mountain climber (10)

Side shuffle into lunge jump (3 per side) for 45 seconds


180 degree burpee (10)

Kettlebell swing (25)

Hack squat (10 each side)

Plank jack (20)

Abs leg drop (20)


Rest Day

Thursday: Leg Day+HIIT Sprints

Treadmill HIIT:

10 minute warm up

Ladder sprints: 20 sprint, 1 minute recover, 30 sprint, 1 minute recover, 35 sprint, 1 minute recover, 45 sprint, 1 minute recover , 60 second sprint, 1 minute recover, 45 sprint, 1 minute recover, 35 sprint, 1 minute recover, 30 sprint, 1 minute recover, 20 sprint, 1 minute recover.

5-10 minute cool down.

Legs: 3x through the set

Burpee into tuck jump (10)

Weighted step up with knee on bench (10 per leg)

In and out jump squats (15)

Walking lunges with weights (10 per leg)

Plie squat with weights/medicine ball (20)

Squat jump (15)

Bulgarian weighted lunge (10 per leg)

Star jump (10)

Squat into overhead press (20)

SR Challenge Week 3:

Friday: Progressive cardio

Warm up for 10 minutes

Minutes 10-35-start at an easy pace and every five minutes increase the pace by .2 mph till at a comfortably hard pace. (can also increase resistance instead of pace if on elliptical, bike)

Minutes 35-45-cool down

Saturday: Shoulders and Arms

Two times through each set:

1: plank jack (20)

side lunge into upward press with knee raise (10 per side)

Laydown pushup (10)

Plank punches (10 each side)

Burpee tuck jump (10)

Single arm squat press (10 per side)

T pushup-pushup up into a side plank (10)

Sumo squat jump (20)

Burpee with lateral jump over step (10)


Tricep dip (10), mountainclimber (10) x2

Squat and upward press (20)

Weighted jumping jack (20)

Abs bicycle (25)

Knee pulls in plank (20)

Crawl out, pushup, crawl back, plyo squat (8)

Double pulse jump squat (15)

Plank hip dips (10 per side)

Laydown pushup into snap jump (10)


180 burpee (10)

Walking plank (20)

Sumo squat with dumbbell upright row (20)

Plank jack (20)

Side plank (30 seconds per side)

Commandos (10)


Yoga or rest day.


Steady state cardio (45-60 minutes)

This can be long run day for runners.


Full Body Workout, 2 times through each set


180 burpee (10)

Sumo squat into lateral raise (20)

Prisoner squat with in and out squat jump (12)

Dolphin pushup (from upward to downward dog) (10)

Speed skater hops holding a medicine ball (20)

Shoulder press drop down into frogger jump in plank position (10)


Drop jump squat (20)

Wood chop jump holding dumbbell (20)

Commando (10), mountain climber (10) x2

Bulgarian lunge holding medicine ball (10 per side)

Up and go with kettlebell or dumbbell (10 on right side, 10 plank jacks, 10 on left)

Russian twist (20)


Hack squat right (10), snap jump in plank (10), hack squat left (10) (Note: for hack squat bring weight or kettlebell from left foot squating standing up lifting weight to the right of the body above head)

Kettlebell swing (25)

In and out jump squat holding weight (20)

X jump (20) (left lunge jump, jump squat, right lunge jump)

Full sit up with straight legs (20)

Curtsy lunge (10 per side)


Rest day


Legs and Booty:

Treadmill incline warm up:

2 minutes at 3% incline, 2 minutes at 5%, 3 minutes at 8%, 3 minutes at 10%, 4 minutes at 11%, 1 minute at 3%.

Tabata Portion:

(40 seconds work, 10 seconds rest): sumo jump squat, plyo jumping jack, linge jump, 180 degree burpee, burpee with lateral jump over step.

Concentrated strength work: (2x through)

Squat overhead press (25)

Bulgarian squat (10 per side)

Curtsy lunge with kettlebell (10 per side)

Squat jump (15)

Split squat with medicine ball core rotation (10 per side)

Kettlebell swing (25)

Plie squat upright row (20)

Plank jack (20)

Week of Workouts


Happy Sunday loves! Wanted to fill you in with my current workout schedule as its been a while. I am starting training for a half marathon in April this upcoming Monday! I finally feel like I am fueling adequately to train hard and give my all to it. My previous personal best is a 1:28 which I would love to beat!

Monday-Easy 6.5 miles outside (moderately hilly)

Tuesday-Shoulders and arms SR Challenge workout with some incline walking

Wednesday-8 mile progressive run (7:45 to 6:20 pace)

Thursday-Full body SR Challenge workout with cool down spinning

Friday-45 minute treadmill run (6 miles)

Saturday-Bootcamp class with parents (60 minutes of circuit training death)

Sunday-Easy 6.10 miler with my dad

Most weeks I have a rest day but my schedule was a little off going to an unplanned workout class with my parents. Next week I will probably go down to two circuit/weight workouts plus a long run. Ill keep you guys updated as my training progresses! Hope your week is off to a lovely start! If you would like the challenge workouts repost any picture of mine or post your take on one of my recipes or meals and tag me and I will directly email you three weeks of workouts and the meal plan:)!

Full Body Workout


Repeat each circuit 2 times through repeating as much as you can in five minutes! Most I got through around once with a little leftover time to restart!


-Squat with shoulder press with medicine ball (25)

-Reverse lunge kick holding med ball (10 per side)

-Lunge jumps (10 per side)

-Full sit up (20)

-Plank jack (20)



-Pencil jump (touch floor in deep squat, jump up with straight legs and hands above head) (20)

-Crab walk squat holding medicine ball (20)

-Jump squat (20)

-Bulgarian lunge holding weights (12 each side)

-Bicycle crunch (25 per side)



-Tuck jump (20)

-Burpee commando, burpee spiderman knee pulls both with jump at top (10 total-5 of each variation)

-Plie squat into upright row holding dumbbell or kettlebell (25)

-Russian twist (10) into mountain climber (10) x3

-Side shuffle into 4 lunge jumps, shuffle to other side and repeat ( 3x  per side)



-Drop down pushup (10)

-180 Burpee (10 per side)

-Kettlebell squat swing(25)

-Hack squat with kettlebell (1o on right side, 10 plank jacks, 10 on other side)

-Hip dips in plank (20 per side)


Finished it off with 10 minutes of treadmill sprints! Let me know if you try:)!


Why I Broke Up with the Scale


Throwing it back to first semester of my freshman year of undergrad. I had partied all week long and came home for the weekend. After a summer post senior year of eating what I wanted, working out sporadically, and drinking more vodka than water I had noticed I had gotten a little curvier. I decided to step on the scale and it read back 156..I literally almost threw up. I was so unhappy and disappointed in myself and my body image went from average to pure disgust in less than 30 seconds. I knew I had to do something but didn’t know how to start. That following spring semester I got really into running. What started as losing 10 pounds turned to 20, and then 30+. Every time I reached my goal it wasn’t good enough. Another 100 calories would be cut until I was around 800-1000 calories a day and was running at least 7-10 miles (or doing other cardio to compensate-which rationally to me at the time was around 120 minutes). My boobs had shrunk from a DD to a small C and my butt went MIA and my weight STILL wasn’t low enough. The scale finally ready 112 but wouldn’t 108 be even better?  My mentality became completely distorted and seemed to worsen by the week that entire summer.

Needless to say I wound up in an eating disorder outpatient clinic by the end of the summer. I still didn’t feel skinny enough to be there even though my vitals were terrible and my metabolic testing showed I was completely malnourished. I looked around at bone thin girls and felt undeserving and inadequate to be there. Now I see that I needed to be there more than anything. The nutritionist gave me a meal plan of 2,100 calories and an exercise restriction of 30 minutes a day. I left the clinic that day and ran 10 miles. How could I undo all my hard work? I went to all that to get here, how could I just throw it away and gain weight?

Now I see that weighing less doesn’t necessarily make you more attractive,healthier, happier, or more fit. In fact for me it meant the opposite of all of those things. That following summer I made slight progress but still was really restricting and running around 55-60 miles a week on a training plan. I weighed myself and saw 125. I freaked out. That day I decided I didn’t want to weigh myself again. And I haven’t since. I go to the doctors and get weighed backwards. I no longer rely on a number to tell me how fit I am because the number means nothing. Have I gained weight? Definitely! I have really bad body image days where I feel fat and disgusting, but I had just as many when I weighed 112 pounds. I cut the endless cardio, started doing more circuits and weight based exercises and have re-discovered my butt and some of my boobs! Friends and family have told me I look healthier and my skin looks better, but they can never put their finger on what exactly has changed. I know its the food and nourishment and although the “healthy” comments can be triggering I am starting to realize that looking “sick” is NOT anything to strive for. I highly suggest if you can, get rid of the scale as well! It has been one of the best decisions in my fitness journey and recovery.

Shoulders+Booty Workout


Warm-up: 10-20 minutes on the stairstepper

Circuits: Do each strength circuit 2x though and between each set do the cardio blast one time though. Strength moves are for 40 seconds and cardio 30 seconds.

Circuit One:

-Laydown pushups

-Spiderman knee pulls on bosu

-Woodchop with kettlebell

-Tricep kick back in plank

-Russian twist with medicine ball

-Squat with overhead press holding dumbbells

-Burpee with bosu

-Plie upright row with kettlebell

Cardio Blast:

-2 front kicks, 2 air jacks

-Snap jumps in plank

-2 jacks, 2 plank jacks

-Burpee squat jump

-Shuffle side touch

Circuit Two:

-Alternating lunge with shoulder press

-Squat with side leg raise and hammer curl

-Kettlebell swing

-Burpee with medicine ball up into jump

-Shoulder taps in plank

-Lateral raise (5), drop down into plank holding dumbbells 10 mountain climbers



Let me know if you guys try, snap chat me too at nvannos :)!!








Week of Workouts


I figured I would update you guys on what a current week of workouts looks like for me. I finished Anna Victoria’s FBG and plan on still incorporating some of her moves into my workouts as I absolutely loved her guide! I am now training for a full marathon as well with my boyfriend. We usually do runs together but he was gone this week so my schedule was a little different but we usually do running every other day and gym on the opposite days!

Saturday: Active rest day hiking at Niagara Falls (around 6 miles).

Sunday: Long run with my boyfriend, 9 miles.

Monday: 50 minute stair stepper intervals, 15 minutes upper body and core work

Tuesday:5 mile progressive run

Wednesday: 5 mile hill treadmill run

Thursday: 5 minutes row machine, 30 minute leg targeted circuit, 30 minutes spin bike, 15 minutes incline walk cool down

Friday: 60 minute spinning sesh (24 miles) incorporating hills and sprints. Totally kicked my butt!

I am headed home for the weekend so I am not positive what my workouts will look like but I am thinking some hiking on my favorite trails tomorrow and 10 miles on Sunday! My workouts have been all about variety lately. It keeps me excited to hit the gym and keep from feeling burned out. If you want me to share any of these workouts let me know! Happy Friday my friends! Have a safe and fun Halloweekend!

Reasons why I am Perfect


I am perfect because…

-Sometimes I laugh so hard I make a super attractive snort

-I’d rather be in bed at 10 on a Friday than out drinking

-I get so anxious before exams that I shake and start sweating

-I sometimes look at pictures of cats online for 25 minutes before I cut myself off

-I buy ice cream just to take a fork through it and eat all the “good stuff” out within 24 hours (Panda Paws is bae, my family hides ice cream from me)

-I drool excessively at night and also sleep talk in some foreign language that doesn’t exist

-Some days I wake up feeling “disgusting” and the next feel just fine.

-I have lazy days that aren’t warranted or necessary but just because I am feeling them.

-I can’t go an entire day of eating without getting at least a little stain on my clothes.

-Somedays I still listen to those stupid disordered thoughts in my head.

-I still have extreme food anxiety no matter how it appears on social media and sometimes still let it dictate my decisions and actions.

-I got a 2.8 my first two semesters in college, got a ratchet tattoo, and hip dermals (quarter life crisis) and cant deny I made some of my best memories at that time.

-I am terrible driver and run over so much random stuff that my low tire pressure light is forever on and my Scion looks like its been through a tundra.

-I wait till my gas is low light is blinking till I stop for gas (and yes I have ran out before, shoutout to my mom for running out on the parkway to help a girl out).

-When I am stressed with school I find myself throwing random food I am not hungry for down my mouth.

-Because I am super dysfunctional and the furthest thing from perfect, AKA I am human and I am just fine.

Don’t let social media fool you. Through all those perfect meal preps, workouts, etc. there is a real person and I promise you that person is probably not as “perfect” as you think they are because NO ONE is. We all do the best we can and you know what, thats enough. Would love to hear what makes you perfect so comment below!